SSH Settings

SSH Settings #

BurmillaOS supports adding SSH keys through the cloud-config file. Within the cloud-config file, you simply add the ssh keys within the ssh_authorized_keys key.

  - ssh-rsa AAA...ZZZ example1@burmilla
  - ssh-rsa BBB...ZZZ example2@burmilla

When we pass the cloud-config file during the ros install command, it will allow these ssh keys to be associated with the burmilla user. You can ssh into BurmillaOS using the key.

$ ssh -i /path/to/private/key burmilla@<ip-address>

Please note that OpenSSH 7.0 and greater similarly disable the ssh-dss (DSA) public key algorithm. It too is weak and we recommend against its use.

SSHD Port and IP #

BurmillaOS supports changing the sshd port and IP, you can use these in the cloud-config file:

    port: 10022

These settings are only designed for default console. Because if you change sshd-config, restart the host will restore the default, the new configuration will not take effect.

For other consoles, all files are persistent, you can modify sshd-config by yourself.