VMware ESXi

VMware ESXi #

BurmillaOS automatically detects that it is running on VMware ESXi, and automatically adds the open-vm-tools service to be downloaded and started, and uses guestinfo keys to set the cloud-init data.

BurmillaOS releases anything required for VMware, which includes initrd, a standard ISO for VMware, a vmdk image, and a specific ISO to be used with Docker Machine. The open-vm-tools is built in to BurmillaOS, there is no need to download it.

You can download those files from https://github.com/burmilla/os/releases/

DescriptionFile name
Booting from ISOburmillaos.iso
For docker-machineburmillaos-autoformat.iso

VMware Guest Info #

interface.<n>.macMAC address (is used to match the ethernet device’s MAC address, not to set it)
interface.<n>.dhcp{“yes”, “no”}
interface.<n>.role{“public”, “private”}
interface.<n>.ip.<m>.addressCIDR IP address
interface.<n>.route.<l>.gatewayIP address
interface.<n>.route.<l>.destinationCIDR IP address (not available yet)
dns.server.<x>IP address
dns.domain.<y>DNS search domain
cloud-init.data.encoding{"", “base64”, “gzip+base64”}

Note: “n”, “m”, “l”, “x” and “y” are 0-indexed, incrementing integers. The identifier for an interface (<n>) is used in the generation of the default interface name in the form eth<n>.